Here we have listed some of the most frequently asked questions.
However, if you do not find the answer to your question below, you can try clicking on the contact page to contact us directly.


JOAB Försäljnings AB
Östergärde Industriväg 50
SE-417 29 Göteborg

Our organisation number is 556315-6008

We post all our vacancies here >> Career. There you can also read what it is like to work at JOAB and what our employees think.

Yes it is possible to send as a pdf.


Click on the link below to open up the map and find your nearest workshop.

JOAB Service

To see current opening hours for our service workshops go to:

Contact, address and opening hours

Click on the link below for contact information for our service workshops:

Contact, address and opening hours

Spare parts

Click on the link below for more information:

JOAB Spare Parts

Click on the link below to access our spare parts catalogs:

JOAB Spare Parts Catalogs

JAS - JOAB Authorized Service Partner.
We offer our partners an easy way to order spare parts via our e-commerce.
As a Service Partner, you can apply for access via e-handel@joab.se